Cotton Supply and Products
We are a quality driven cotton supplier that strives to have the best cotton supply around; however, due to unpredictable weather our cotton exports change from year to year based on the weather during the cotton harvest.
Re-Ginned Motes
Re-Ginned Motes are our specialty. We take the semi cleaned motes from the cotton gins in a bale form. We then process the bales through our plant, and the finished product is about a 32 staple clean cotton product. The grade of the product is determined by the customer’s request.
Our motes are classed once they arrive on our property. The high classed motes are either sold or blended with low grade motes in our re-gin process.
Gin Re-Gins
These are saw cleaned motes that are made at the cotton gins, which normally come in a horizontal bale; however they come in a flat bale. These are a premium priced product.
Round Module Plastic Bales
The gins will bale up the polyethylene covers that are used in the round module process, we then sale the bales into the recycling industry.
Loose Cotton
The cotton gins will often bale of the loose cotton that is found on their gin yard. Like remnants, we periodically market these bales for the cotton gins.
Copyright 2012: Fiber Brite | Cotton Supplier | All rights reserved.
PO Box 70 Wilson, TX 79381